
Custom Super Hero Valance

Lately, a good portion of my projects have been to convert my son's bedroom from a Disney Cars room to a Super Hero room.  I decided to create a custom valance for the room made out of styrofoam.  The only reason I knew that this is possible to do is from a very good friend of mine, Ali, who is so creative and inspiring.  She had created custom valances for every window in her house out of stryofoam so I had to try it out. 

I did not take pictures while creating the valance but will be working on another valance very soon and will ensure pictures are taken then.  But, it is relatively simple to do especially if you have an extra set of hands to help.  I went back to my very creative and inspiring friend, Ali, for tips and what "not to do" and also used this website for a step by step tutorial.  I used 1/2 inch thick styrofoam and then went to Michael's to find some glue that will work specifically for stryofoam as most glues will "eat it".  Toothpicks, T-pins, tape, a stapler, batting and fabric is the rest of my supply list. 

When putting the pieces together we did a very thin line of glue and then inserted toothpicks to secure the pieces of foam together.  That was it, after letting it sit for maybe 30 minutes we wrapped the stryofoam with batting which I actually secured with clear, mover's tape.  When attaching the fabric, we secured it with T-pins but then also the stapler.  The hardest part was the corners, wrapping it so no bulges appeared.  Realistically, the stapler was not needed and on my second canvas, we did not use the stapler at all.  I don't think it matters either way, my thought process was by only securing with T-pins it would be easier to remove the fabric and re-wrap when you wanted a new look.  However, you could just wrap new fabric over the existing fabric too so I think either way is fine.  And, I even went up to 1 inch thick stryofoam now to test on the third valance that I will be completing very soon.  I doubt it will make any difference but just wanted to see for myself.

My final super hero custom valance is now complete and my son loves it!

To the right of the Superman valance is a canvas of Spiderman.  That is also made out of stryofoam and you can read all about it on the blog right below this one!  : )

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