
Pheasant Hunting

It will not be long and pheasant hunting will be upon us before we know it!  I am not a pheasant hunter but grew up in a very small community where pheasant hunting and other types of animal hunting is very popular.  I remember times where the town is packed from hunters all over the United States and Canada taking trips to our little, tiny community just for hunting.  Just recently, I was asked to make a hunting sign for a teenager's bedroom back in my old community.  This wasn't a huge surprise considering how popular the sport is back home.

The teenager came up with a hunting saying "Every Day is a HUNTING DAY" and then requested some pheasants and cattails to be incorporated into the sign.  It took some hunting (no pun intended) to find the requested pictures but, in the end, I found some for the boy to choose from.  Below is the final sign I cut, but not placed on the wall.  It's cut so that he can place the cattails, birds and saying on the wall in any position or layout that he chooses.

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