
Subway Art - Playground Rules

After successfully making Subway Art on Canvas I decided to try cork board.  A few months back I picked up a framed cork board at a garage sale for a couple dollars but never really knew what I would do with it until now!  I spraypainted it black and found it would fit perfectly by our basement back door which leads to our back yard.  I came up with a list of rules specific to our back yard and my boys' needs and went designing.  I did each line in a different font, laid out the rules in alphabetical order and used white vinyl to complete the sign.  I did not spray any gloss or seal over the final product so I could easily remove a "rule" as the boys outgrew them and may need different rules down the road.  If this was displayed outside then I would have used some sort of acrylic spray to seal and protect the letters.  Here is my finished product!

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